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Access For All
Our theatre is here for you and we aim to make your visit a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Please let us know your needs at the time of booking and we’ll do all we can to help.
Our theatre has level entrances to the foyer, with automatic doors and a low counter at Box Office. We have lift access to the Main House, Studio and Dress Circle seating, with accessible toilets on both ground floor and first floor levels.
Wheelchair spaces are available in the Main House Stalls and Dress Circle and in the Studio. Please request a wheelchair space at the time of booking. If you have limited mobility, our Box Office team can advise on the best areas to sit and whether there are any steps to navigate.
We operate a wireless loop system in the Main House to relay sound to customers who are hard of hearing, with Sennheiser headsets available free of charge from Box Office.
Assistance Dogs are welcome in all areas of the theatre and a complimentary dog-sitting service can be arranged – please request this service at the time of booking.
For families we offer baby changing facilities in the accessible toilets, free buggy parking and booster seats for your little ones.
Limited Blue Badge parking is available on Duncombe Place at the rear of the theatre.
We offer concession tickets for patrons with disabilities and half price companion or carer tickets.
If you’d like to order an audio described or large print version of our current brochure, please request it by emailing marketing@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk.
Access Performances
We offer captioned, audio described, relaxed, dementia friendly and British Sign Language interpreted performances across our programme, ensuring that anyone can enjoy our live shows. If you’d like any more details, or even want to see the spaces for yourself ahead of your visit, please get in touch with our Box Office team by phone on 01904 623568, via email at boxoffice@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk, or in person.
British Sign Language (BSL) interpreted performances feature an interpreter who will stand in a clearly visible position and interpret the spoken and heard aspects of the show using BSL. Please mention that you are interested in this service at the time of booking and our Box Office team will then be able to advise on which seats have the best view of our interpreter.
Upcoming BSL performances include:
North By Northwest– Wed 02 Apr at 7.30pm
Kim’s Convenience– Sat 21 Jun at 2.30pm
His Last Report– Fri 25 Jul at 7.30pm
Military Wives– Fri 19 Sep at 7.30pm
Sleeping Beauty– Mon 22 Dec at 11am and 5.30pm
The Psychic– Fri 15 May 2026 at 7.30pm
Audio Described (AD) performances are similar to listening to a cricket or football match on the radio, having the action described to you. You’ll hear an explanation of what’s happening on stage (not just the action but also the set, expressions and visual jokes) during gaps in the dialogue and sound effects. This audio commentary is broadcast to you by accredited Audio Describers through individual headsets that are free to use and can be picked up at our Box Office before the start of the performance. Audio Description is completely unnoticed by other audience members.
Our Touch Tours prior to AD performances offer the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the set, props and costumes in advance of the performance by getting on stage and being talked through what appears there by our Audio Describers. Touch Tours usually happen one hour before the performance starts and last approximately 30 minutes. Please book your place at least 24 hours in advance of the performance via our Box Office.
Upcoming Audio Described performances include:
North By Northwest– Sat 29 Mar at 2.30pm
The Midnight Bell– Fri 06 Jun at 7.30pm
His Last Report– Sun 03 Jul at 2pm
Military Wives– Wed 24 Sep at 7.30pm
Sleeping Beauty– Mon 29 Dec at 5.30pm
The Psychic– Sat 16 May 2026 at 2.30pm
Captioned performances are similar to subtitling, with the dialogue displayed on a screen by the stage, to be seen in real time as the actors speak. Speakers’ name, sound effects and offstage noises are also shown. Captioned performances are particularly helpful to D/deaf, deafened and hard of hearing patrons as well as anyone who struggles to follow strong accents or whose first language is not English. We have reserved seating for captioned performances in order to provide the best sight lines. Please mention that you are interested in this service at the time of booking and our Box Office team can offer you these seats.
Upcoming Captioned performances include:
North By Northwest– Sat 05 Apr at 2.30pm
His Last Report– Sat 02 Jul at 2pm
Military Wives– Sat 27 Sep at 2.30pm
Sleeping Beauty– Tue 30 Dec at 2.30pm
The Psychic– Sat 23 May 2026 at 2.30pm
In a Relaxed performance audience members can move around freely, leave and enter the auditorium as needed, the lights never go completely dark and sound effects are softened. Our Relaxed performances are popular with audience members who, for many reasons, do not feel comfortable attending other performances and benefit from a more relaxed environment in which to see a show.
Upcoming Relaxed performances include:
Sleeping Beauty– Fri 02 Jan 2026 at 2.30pm
A Dementia Friendly performance is very similar to a Relaxed performance. There will be adaptations to technical parts of the performance, flexible seating options and a relaxed attitude to audience responses and movement in the auditorium. There will be additional staff on hand before and throughout the performance trained to support audience members living with dementia.
Upcoming Dementia Friendly performances include:
Sleeping Beauty– Tue 16 Dec at 5.30pm
If you have any questions about accessibilty or our access performance, please email access@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk or speak to our friendly Box Office staff.