Tue 22 Apr

Youth Theatre Summer Term 2025 (Backstage)

Performance Details


1 Performance

Members' Priority Booking


Running Time 1 hour 30 mins

Venue York Theatre Royal Studio, York Theatre Royal

Youth Theatre Summer Term 2025 (Backstage)

Tue 22 Apr

More Details + Book Tickets


Tue 22 Apr



Running Time

1 hour 30 mins


York Theatre Royal Studio, York Theatre Royal


Ever wondered what goes into making the productions you see on our stages? Love theatre and making but performing’s not for you? 

Through this highly practical course, led by industry experts, you will have the opportunity to learn performance making skills, get hands on experience and work with our professional theatre equipment 

Throughout the course we will introduce you to a variety of production skills and areas, give you expert tuition, tips of the trade and support you to have a go yourself. 

So, if you want to use a follow spot, find out what a Fresnel is, create a digital soundscape, make a prop or design a set – this is the course for you!


Tuesday  YTR
Time:  4.30pm-6.00pm
Location: York Theatre Royal
Practitioner: Sophie-Jade and Guests