Saturday, 26 Apr
Saturday, 26 Apr
Running Time 1 hour 15 mins
Venue York Theatre Royal Studio, York Theatre Royal
Age 5-8
Join our youth theatre build confidence, make new friends, and have fun developing new drama skills.
This term will be our 5-8 production term, the group will be working towards creating a devised performance called ‘The Great Invention Fair’ which will be performed on the 5th of July. As it is a performance term each group will have 1 additional rehearsal.
Saturday YTR
Time: 9.15am-10.30am
Location: York Theatre Royal
Practitioner: Jane
Extra Rehearsal: Sunday 11th of March 2.00-5.00pm
Saturday YSJ
Time: 10.30am-10.45am
Location: York St John University
Practitioner: Sophie-Jade
Extra Rehearsal: Sunday 11th March 2.00pm-5.00pm