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Q&A with Rowan Armitt-Brewster for Around The World In 80 Days-Ish

Ahead of our new show Around The World In 80 Days-Ish! opening this month, our Press Officer Steve Pratt caught up with Rowan Armitt-Brewster who will be playing Inspector Fix in the show to find out more about some of his favourite places to visit around the world and more…


Do you like travelling or are you a stay-at-home person?

Definitely travelling, meeting different people and places, and constantly developing my knowledge of the world.

Where do you call home?

Llanfairfechan, North Wales. I am a proud Welshman and although my career now mainly finds me in London, I will never not consider North Wales as my home.

Best place you’ve visited

Tuscany. The food was just incredible and the scenery was mesmeric. I also loved the people and culture, as it was so vibrant and positive.

Worst place you’ve visited

As a Welshman I should say England, but England has treated me very well. Being stranded at Beijing Airport for 48 hours was pretty rough, I’d love to explore China however as I’ve only ever experienced this airport.

Place (town, country, planet) you’d most like to visit

Italy again, and again and again. I don’t think I’d ever get bored of the food, landscape and culture.

Best way to travel – train, plane, automobile or cycle

Plane. Taking off is so much fun.

What languages do you speak?

English and small amounts of Welsh

Have you worked abroad?

I have not yet, but I am about to travel around the entire world in 80 days which is exciting.

Do you have any Yorkshire connections?

I have friends and family from Yorkshire. I also rehearsed a previous show in Yorkshire before the production began touring.

Have you visited York before? If not, what do you intend to visit while working in the city?

I have not unfortunately, I have only heard good things, however. The old appearance of the architecture and the cathedral are definitely on my list.


On the subject of Around the World in 80 Days-ish:

Have  you read the Jules Verne book?

I have, and it is always intriguing to see similarities and differences between original stories and stage adaptations.

Who do you play in the York Adaptation and what’s their role in the story?

I play Inspector Fix and it’s my job to arrest Phileas Fogg, Halton this travels, but that will be hard while he’s not on English soil.

The show is circus-themed, so what circus skills do you possess or are learning?

As a physical performer, I have strong skills in puppetry and object manipulation. However I am learning fire staff currently and I feel invincible as a result. Maybe Gandalf shall be my next role.


Q&A by Steve Pratt

See Rowan Armitt-Brewster play Inspector Fix in this summer’s Around The World In 80 Days-Ish!