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Q&A with Kiefer Moriarty for Around The World In 80 Days-Ish

Ahead of our new show Around The World In 80 Days-Ish! opening this month, our Press Officer Steve Pratt caught up with Kiefer Moriarty who will be playing The Ringmaster and Phileas Fogg in the show to find out more about some of his favourite places to visit around the world and more…


Do you like travelling or are you a stay-at-home person?

I love travelling.

Where do you call home?

Where my house lands. I’m Sligo born and bred. I’ve lived in London for the past 10 years.

Best place you’ve visited

A beautiful town in the Ukraine whose name I forget. I was travelling with some mates in Eastern Europe just before the war kicked off. It was very beautiful, like stepping into a fairy tale. There were very scary border patrols.

Worst place you’ve visited

Blackpool. I spent a week there with the tour of Magic Goes Wrong. No offence because Blackpool people are gorgeous.

Place (town, country, planet) you’d most like to visit

Florida to see Disneyland.

Best way to travel – train, plane, automobile or cycle

I don’t mind flying but it’s just boring. I like trains but it depends where you are. Trains in Europe or Italy pass through lovely scenery, Sligo to Dublin a bit less so. But I do like a bike ride.

What languages do you speak?


Have you worked abroad?

Australia with a theatre company informed. We worked in bars and put our plays on. It was an amazing time. After a year I came back and went to drama school.

Do you have any Yorkshire connections?

Yes, I toured to York Theatre Royal with Magic Goes Wrong and absolutely fell in love with the place. One of my favourite places now.


On the subject of Around the World in 80 Days-ish:

Have  you read the Jules Verne book?

Yes, the audio book before the audition. I have seen many renditions of the story.

Who do you play in the York adaptation and what’s their role in the story?

The Ringmaster, who is the owner of Verne’s Circus, and also Phileas Fogg who is travelling around the world.

The show is circus-themed, so what circus skills do you possess or are learning?

I can roll-poly and ride a small bicycle.


Q&A by Steve Pratt

See Kiefer Moriarty play The Ringmaster and Phileas Fogg in this summer’s Around The World In 80 Days-Ish!