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It’s safe to say that 2020 has been a terrible year for young people. That’s why York Theatre Royal is launching The Platform Project in 2021. This free weekly project is for young people aged 16-21 years and NEET (not in education, training or employment) or simply in need of a positive place to be.
The Platform Project will take place over six months at York Theatre Royal, where you will be given the opportunity to work collaboratively with an artist to co-create a piece of live theatre or performance that will express who you are and your experiences. You might explore spoken word, music, film, visual arts or other art forms based on your interests. The performance will take place at York Theatre Royal in June/July 2021.
The Platform Project is looking for people to start weekly sessions in January 2021. The project is FREE for any young person aged 16-21 NEET (not in education, training or employment) or simply looking for something positive to be part of. If you are interested in taking part or would like to make a referral on behalf of a young person, please contact Paula Clark, Outreach Director, at paula.clark@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk or call her on 07895738089.